
Travel reimbursement

Course enrolment

Download and fill up the above forms. The forms are to be then sent to the secretary.

Course Proposals

FMKJ is interested in receiving course proposals on an ongoing basis from PhD students associated with FMKJ, and employees at FMKJ institutions. A course proposal may be anything from an idea to a developed course proposal. The Research School director and the board will, in cooperation with the originator of the proposal and the person responsible for delivering the course, develop the course and draw up a budget. Course proposals should be sent to Research School director Poul Erik Nielsen A proposal form's various points will be regarded as inspiration, and may not necessarily be executed as presented.

Registering with FMKJ

PhD students must personally register with FMKJ; in most cases, however, their institution pays  FMKJ the annual DKK8000 fee. Following registration, you will be assigned a personal password, to be used in connection with updating your own personal page.

Evaluation form

not yet available.